Monday, June 8, 2020

Americans for the Arts logo

America’s arts sector is among the many industries experiencing devastating impacts and extreme financial losses as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. For local arts agencies confronting the threat of budget cuts or even elimination, efficient and clear messaging is essential to mobilizing an organization’s advocates and community partners.

Americans for the Arts is introducing our new Arts Agency Action Kit: a continually evolving online tool to support local arts agencies and arts organizations experiencing financial crises. The Arts Agency Action Kit is an additional infrastructure of support for arts organizations, providing a comprehensive resource including up-to-date research, key talking points, and advocacy strategies that can be used to make the case for one’s organization and mitigate a situation of financial distress. The Action Kit also offers recommendations for crafting strategic and informative messaging to increase the visibility and reach of an organization’s advocacy.

Utilize the research, messaging, and additional resources of the Arts Agency Action Kit to elevate your organization’s voice and showcase the impact that the arts and culture sector has within your community. We know that the work of local arts agencies is vital to supporting community leaders as they rebuild economies and promote social cohesion in the wake of COVID-19. Strengthen your organization’s messaging strategies and case-making to preserve your agency!